Welcome to the official website of the hotel «Demidov Plaza».
Make yourself at home in each of our 127 comfortable room with high-quality and consistent accommodations and amenities.
The hotel is located in the city center on the shore of Tagilskiy pond. Several exciting attractions are within walking distance.
We’ll make sure your needs are met, no matter your reason for visiting. Enjoy our restful and reviving guest rooms with free Wi Fi. You will also appreciate the hotel lobby-bar, our restaurant, room service and laundry service, a moderate-size gym and an underground heated and secured parking lot. There are 7 conference halls with the pre-function areas in the hotel as well as a spacious ballroom for special celebrations.
The hotel is operated by “Alliance Hotel Management” company where the top-managers of the Russian hotel industry were gathered to provide personalized hospitality management services, tailored to the individual requirements of each single property.